RubbyBand 皮筋

Character design Illustrator角色设计和插画家

About 关于

Greetings, I’m RubbyBand!
I’m currently a female artist and illustrator studying in the School of Creative Media in Cityu HK, who draws and games.
I mainly play Phigros, Sky: COTL, Arcaea, Heaven Burns Red, and Arknights.
我主要玩 Phigros、光·遇、Arcaea、緋染天空 和 明日方舟。

Commission Information 約稿资料

Base Prices (Subject to change)


Base pricesCostFor every Addictional CharacterBackground RangeComplexity
Fullbody$60$30$20-30May add up to $30
Halfbody$30$10$10-20May add up to $30

Character Design

Base pricesCost Range
Fullbodyaround $50
Halfbodyaround $30

Dos 能

  • Fanart 同人画

  • Original Characters 原创人物

  • Character Design角色设计

  • Chibi Q版人物

  • Humans with animal attributes(eg. cat ears) 具有动物属性的人类(例如猫耳朵)

  • simple to hard backgrounds 简单到难的背景

  • Simple Gif Animations 簡單的 Gif 動畫

Don'ts 不能

  • Other styles 其他画家风格

  • NSFW(18+)

  • Gore(only small scratches allowed) 流出的血(只允许小划痕)

  • Muscles 肌肉

  • Mecha 机甲

  • Old/Elderly 老人

  • Furries 兽人

  • Controversial/ hateful Art 有争议/仇恨的艺术

  • Extremely detailed backgrounds 非常详细的背景

  • calligraphy 书法

  • vector art 矢量艺术

Terms and Services

By requesting a commission from me you are agreeing to the following:

  • I claim all rights to the artwork (I can post it, or put it in my portfolio, etc,) 我声明对作品的所有权利(我可以发布它,或者把它放在我的作品集中等)

  • I am allowed to decline your commission request at any time. 我可以随时拒绝您的約稿请求

  • Art will be for personal use only (no commercial use or NFTs) 作品仅供个人使用(不得用于商业用途或 NFT)

  • Clients are NOT allowed to alter my work for any reason 客户不得以任何理由更改我的作品

  • Clients are NOT allowed to ask for a price change for any reason 客户不得以任何理由要求更改价格

If my T.O.S are voilated, you will be blacklisted and will be unable to commission me again.

Commission Conditions 約稿条件

  • By DMing me (In discord, Twitter or instagram) that you are interested in a commission, I will ask for descriptions and references for your work. 通过私信我,您对約稿感兴趣,我会要求您对您的約稿进行描述和参考。

  • If I decide to decline your commission( violates T.O.S, rules, Dos and Don'ts, etc) I will notify you so. 如果我决定拒绝您的約稿(违反 T.O.S、规则、注意事项等),我会通知您。

  • You must provide reference photos to aid the artist's process, and state extra details if necessary(eg poses). I highly suggest images over descriptions. 您必须提供参考照片以帮助艺术家的过程,并在必要时说明额外的细节(例如姿势)。我强烈建议使用图像而不描述。

  • I will give you the price of the commission and you would have to pay 50% upfront. 我会给你約稿的价格,你需要预付 50%。

  • I will send my sketch phrase, my lineart phrase, and then fully rendered finished art. 我将发送我的素描、我的线稿,然后是完成的作品

  • You may ask for any changes in the sketch phrase 您可以要求对草图进行任何更改

  • You may ask for minor changes in the lineart phrase 您可以要求对线稿进行细微更改

  • After that, you cannot request any changes. 之后,您将无法请求任何更改

  • A watermarked lowered quality finished piece will be sent before payment, after receiving full payment I will send the full image. 付款前会发送带水印的低质量成品,收到尾款后我会发送完整的作品。

Extra Info